Essential Elements You Should Know Before Buying A Thermal Printer
are various printing technologies available on the market today, each targeting
a particular market segment. A thermal printer's ability to use heat to seal
the ink onto the paper that it is printing on, separates it from other types of
printers. This type of printer usually consists of a printer head, an ink
ribbon, a rubber roller, and a roll of specialized thermal paper.
printer head, identical to a thermal fax machine, heats up the ink ribbon,
which is coated with a polyester film backing, to print the sequence of text
requested onto the paper. The paper is pushed ahead by the rubber roller, where
the heated ribbon is pressed against it to print the requested character string.
What makes a thermal printer work so well is the speed at which all of this is
accomplished, printing areas of 6-12 inches per second.
ink-jet and laser printers use a different kind of ink, as thermal technology
uses ink made from either wax or resin or a combination of both. There are
different shelf lives for each variant, so make sure to choose one that is
appropriate for your printing purposes. The cheapest variant to purchase is ink
ribbons made of wax but will only last for about two years once they have been
case they are important, receipts from the point of sale terminals that use
this kind of ink should be scanned or copied for safekeeping. If you are
looking for a much more durable variant of the ink ribbon, a combination of wax
and resin is best, especially if printed on fine-toothed paper, as well as
papers that are coated with a film coat.
the printed product should not be exposed to damp environments and strong
chemicals. Resin ink ribbons are the most durable of all ink ribbons but are
not made for use with conventional point of sale printers & are instead
made for use with plastics.
terminals and bar code printing for inventory tracking purposes are the most
common applications for printers that use thermal technology. When kept in
storage, the ink ribbons of a thermal printer should be protected from both
damp environments and strong chemicals. Ink ribbons should also be kept away
from heat, light, and moisture as they can be sensitive to such environments.
Thermal printers make for efficient and cost-effective printing solutions in
sales and inventory applications.
Distributors is the market pioneer in POS solutions. We offer a great range of Thermal Printer from the top most
brands, TSP, Star, Bixolon, Epson, etc., at affordable prices. Our top POS
systems, Thermal Printers, Paper, Custom Labels, great prices on hardware,
& hassle-free experience make us unique in the industry. Contact Master
Distributors at 1~888-905-7008 to know more.
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